Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Do the Creep! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah~

So after months of being lazy — due to lack of energy as an excuse (albeit a fairly feeble one once i got over being chronically sick) — I stopped riding my scooter to work in Zhongli and now only use to go to Longtan in the mornings. I'm within easy walking distance of my branch in Zhongli — about 10-15 minutes depending on the rate at which you move your legs — and really, a person can only handle so many near-death experiences on their scooter a day before they realize that maybe, just maybe, they should consider walking when they can to lower the statistic likelihood that they are going to get into an accident.... even typing this now I can't help but cringe and can't keep myself from knocking on wood. I'll confess – I can be a bit suspicious. And honestly, riding a scooter in Taiwan has caused me to knock on wood with no small amount of trepidation...on innumerable occasions.  After all, it only took me two weeks on the scooter — driving CAUTIOUSLY I would like to point out — to get broadsided by a taxi and sent in a careening spin-out through a large intersection where I fortunately was lucky enough to walk away with a single scar in my arm...That was amusingly enough, shaped like Taiwan for a few months.

Anyway, so now I walk. Rain, shine, hot or cold: I walk. And I rather like it. I have several routes that I favor and I enjoy the time alone with music blasting my ears for the duration of the trip. By the time I get to work I feel settled and am ready (-ish) to start in on work. It's refreshing and often I spend the walk pondering or simply people watching. Yesterday I was over half-way to work — about two city blocks left — when glancing at people in a charming restaurant I regularly pass I started contemplating how it can be hard to meet people here. Outside of work or outside of parties — and let's be honest, the people you usually meet in a club, aren't exactly the kind of people that you're probably going to have important conversations with. It's usually things like, "Hey! Whoo! Yeah!" or "Wanna dance?" Sure, people here are friendly and warm and great — NO complaints there — but conversations you have usually don't go past very simple ones. For example, the people in Starbucks now know my name and always greet me cheerfully and we have nice little chats, but it never goes past that. Sure, the language gap adds an extra challenge, but honestly, it's the same back home. It's hard to make new acquaintances outside of certain circles or situations — you aren't likely to go to coffee with someone you just met on the street, right? So I was musing on that, just the general difficulty people have just walking up and starting conversations. The general reservations we have — whether from shyness or social norms, there's usually something that stops us from talking to the cute boy at the store and so we go about the day smile and stealing glances and maybe digging up the courage to say, "Hello."

Don't get me wrong, wasn't really complaining. Was merely...pondering. And thinking that it was even worse here, because of the language gap and the fact that my alien-ness might just add an extra level of intimidation that keeps people from saying what they might like to otherwise... I guess mostly I was thinking about inhibitions.

And then the universe decided to have a good laugh.

Because I'd walked half a block — after having these thoughts zip through my head for a grand total of about seven seconds — when I was stopped at the red light, enjoying the upbeat tunes of Emily Osment as I stared ahead, counting the numbers. And then I heard some noise and I realized that someone was talking to me. I glanced over and saw this guy, right at my shoulder, grinning. I turned down my music and stared at him as he said — in English — "Can you speak Chinese?"

And this, my friends, is where it is BEAUTIFUL to be an alien — cuz you can "turn it off" anytime you want. So I just stared at him, doe-in-headlights, and shook my head "no."

"You don't speak Chinese?"
*blank, startled stare*
*disappointed grin*
I stared resolutely ahead, waiting as the counter ticked towards green, and then set off like a shot, taking advantage of my not-so-short legs. Really, I mean, go figure, there I'd been thinking about how people were afraid to approach others and then — like 300 feet down the non-existent sidewalk — I get smacked in the face with one that doesn't seem to have said inhibitions. And I can't help but think "CREEPER." I thought that was it, I'd gotten past him and I thought I was safe.

Again, the universe got a good laugh at my expense.

At the next intersection I got caught at the red again, the branch tantalizingly close — just across the street — and a scooter "parking lot" lining my side of the street all the way up to the intersection. The light's getting ready to turn and I was shuffling from foot to foot and since I was looking straight ahead at the branch I didn't miss the black scooter that turned right in front of me. He cut the corner pretty close — not atypical, believe me (sadly, walking in Taiwan? About as dangerous as driving? Nothing is for the faint-of-heart. I almost got creamed by a scooter crossing the street last night and ended up with my heart in my mouth. A daily occurrence — it's kind of like a caffeine jolt. Har, har). The driver was right at eye level and since he crossed my line of sight I made eye contact as he slowed down and grinned suggestively and I realized with a revolting curl in my gut that it was THAT guy.

After I got over twitching and going, "Eeeeew" and the light turned green I couldn't help but laugh. And all I could think was, "Do the creep, aaaaaaaaaaah, do the creep, oooooooooooooh". Thank you Lonely Island, thank you! :P

I swear life is never lacking in the amusement department. <3

disclaimer: i found these pics on google search - they aren't mine and I don't claim them :) hehe

video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLPZmPaHme0     for those brave souls out there haha

songs of the week:
Adele, Set Fire to the Rain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlsBObg-1BQ&feature=BF&list=FLgogT7bAtGb0&index=21
Emily Osment: Lovesick (AWESOME video!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jauthmokKWk
Boy Who Murdered Love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1wKCXbrK74&feature=my_favorites&list=FLgogT7bAtGb0
My Wicked Heart: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxR7ZlCs9k4&feature=relmfu
The Wolf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Zsnw6yxH2o
Teenage Dream - Glee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAW38wMdKr0&feature=BF&list=FLgogT7bAtGb0&index=10
Army of Love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhgvWLs2rsM&feature=BF&list=FLgogT7bAtGb0&index=5
Backin' Up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjYSERaXEGI&feature=BF&list=FLgogT7bAtGb0&index=24


Well, ahem, it's been a while... to say the least! *insert cheeky grin

It's been a whirlwind — truly. Some negative things of course, but it's been balanced out by an even greater number of wonderful things. It's the beginning of November so I've been in Zhongli for 3 full months. I am FINALLY over being chronically and severely ill and I find I have more and more energy every day — which is GOOD since I'm teaching little kids and have to have the energy to bounce around like a chicken with it's head cut off. But honestly, I'm really enjoying work these days. Not to say that there haven't been rough patches — had some cultural issues that caused some misunderstandings and discouragement, but with the encouragement of a good friend I have here I went and talked it out with the management and I feel even better at work than I have since I started. The people I work with are awesome, the friends that I have here are great and I'm feeling more and more at home every day.

***** AHAHAHAHAHA talk about a time waaarp geeminey-cripes... i drafted this in NOVEMBER planning on writing more and finishing it BEFORE i posted it but well, cest la vie  — har har. I'mma just post it with the glaring hilarity that points to my SAD ability to keep a post :P and just continue on
